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Logo - Hairways Beauty

Hairways Beauty

Carrefour Des Imeuble , 237, Douala , Littoral, Cameroon
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Business Category

Cameroon:Health and Care:Spa and Wellness

What we do at Hairways Beauty

Hairways Beauty is an independent hair salon with branches across Douala.As your professional beauty expert, our mission is to help you look your absolute best.Our scope of specialization includes haircut, hair coloring,massage, sauna, manicure, pedicure, face and body care. We are committed to ensuring that our clients are comfortable and 100% satisfied with their results. With the help of our teams extensive experience working in the beauty industry, be rest assured that we can give you the exceptional beauty service you have been looking for.So wether you’re looking for that basic haircut, a new style in town, a unique body treatment you can trust the team at Hairways Beauty.

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Personal Information for Hairways Beauty

Contact Person: Mr Asanji Fuh

Business Details

Type of business: Sole proprietorship
Year founded: 2020
Year started activity: 2020
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 15
Spoken Languages: English and French
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