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Logo - Millenarian Tourism & Travel

Millenarian Tourism & Travel

Sanchez Lima 2193, La Paz, Bolivia
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Business Category

Bolivia:Travel:Tour Guides ~ Bolivia:Travel:Travel Agents

What we do at Millenarian Tourism & Travel

We are based in Bolivia and have in-depth knowledge of what interests drive demand, and the capacity to map out incredible trips for our clients. We are flexible and adapt easily to our clients’ needs. We are experts in creating unique travel experiences and promoting authentic programmes using our wealth of experience and knowledge of Bolivia to link people to places rarely visited. We are specialists in receptive tourism. We do not outsource or hire third parties to provide services promised by us. Your passengers stay with us from the beginning to the end of their programme here in Bolivia. We have an expert team of guides that have been trained to live up to the expectations of our clients. Our staff is highly qualified and assessed at regular intervals. Our vehicles comply with international safety standards; the size, characteristics, type and model are selected according to the type of terrain, programme and client. The hotels we work with are checked periodically and are not used because of preferential rates or number of nights booked for. We look for the most authentic hotels with high standards and character to welcome our clients. We provide a personalised service and 24/7 attention to all of our clients. We focus on each client’s experience from beginning to end to gauge their satisfaction with our services and learn from their feedback in a constant effort to improve. We carefully select the best places around Bolivia where our clients can eat in style. We, rather untraditionally, see each client as unique and deserving of programmes, infrastructure and services that meet each one’s needs and expectations. Our 24/7 attention service is managed by Bolivia Milenaria’s managers and directors.

Headquarters, branches, local offices

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Personal Information for Millenarian Tourism & Travel

Contact Person: 0 n/a

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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