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Logo - Orogem Jewelers

Orogem Jewelers

Vestingstraat 38, 2000, Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium
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Business Category

Belgium:Industrial Goods and Services:Jewelry

What we do at Orogem Jewelers

Orogem is a family owned jewellery house and diamond office located in Antwerp, diamond capital of the world. We are serving our clients with the highest quality jewellery, jewellery design, finest diamonds and repair services. Founded by Constant Van Camp in 1918, it began as a family business and has recently been passed on to his great-grandson, Yannick Van Camp. Each our employee brings the knowledge which can only be acquired by a lifetime involvement in the business. Thanks to our long-term experience in design and production, detailed knowledge of the market and skill of our goldsmiths, our jewellery meets highest standards and quality. We only create pieces in small quantities and we don’t mass produce any designs. Orogem is a story of a family jewellery business built upon traditional values: trust, experience and personal approach. If you’re the kind of person who is looking for a jeweller you can trust and rely on for years to come, we’d love to become your family jeweller. We ensure that you feel welcome and that you find that perfect piece of jewellery.

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Personal Information for Orogem Jewelers

Contact Person: Mr Yannick Van Camp

Business Details

Type of business: BV
Year founded: 1918
Year started activity: 1991
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 6
Spoken Languages: English, dutch, french, italian
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