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Logo - Chaturvedi Associates

Chaturvedi Associates

1308Unisono Tower Bldg, 614 Road , 1011, Sanabis, Capital Governorate, Bahrain
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Business Category

Bahrain:Finance and Insurance:Financial Services

What we do at Chaturvedi Associates

Chaturvedi Associates devoted specialists review the financial systems to identify interior control weaknesses as well as recommend efficient means to install strong inner controls to achieve the objectives of minimization of the risks of errors, non-inclusions and frauds and to guard the possessions of the company.

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Personal Information for Chaturvedi Associates

Contact Person: Mr Praveen Chaturvedi

Business Details

Type of business: Partnership
Year founded: 2007
Year started activity: 2007
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 25
Spoken Languages: Arabian
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