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Logo - Italian Job Store IJSBAH

Italian Job Store IJSBAH

Building 2528, Road 4270, Block 742, Northern Governorate, A'ali, Kingdom of Bahrain, 199, A'ali, Kingdom of Bahrain, Northern Governorate, Bahrain
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Bahrain:Construction:Architecture and Design ~ Bahrain:Home:Moving and Relocating ~ Bahrain:Home:Furniture

What we do at Italian Job Store IJSBAH

“ITALIAN JOB STORE” is distinguished as a Market Leader in supplying Modern Luxury Furniture & Interior Design Solutions in the Middle East. Since our modest beginning, in 2012, we have grown from strength to strength, we’ve started with selling pre-owned Furniture made in Europe. IJS has focused on its core principles of Customer Service, Quality & Value for Money. Later in 2015 IJS was incorporated, we’ve expanded our sources to include selling new Furniture that made IJS recognized as a distinct company in this industry, with a proven track record of not only meeting but exceeding expectations of our clients, our tailored services were created to continuously meet different their expectations, whether they are Individuals, Families, Companies or Official Institutions. Early in 2020, we’ve devoted all sources to benefit our clients from the “IJS Single Point Source” offering Furnishing Services that combine Elegance of Modernity & Luxury, made of the finest quality materials in (China, Turkey, Malaysia & Italy) at the best prices, Interior Design Solutions by local & global experts that integrate cultural, practical & aesthetic purposes to present you with thoughtful & innovative designs that reflect your personality & taste, & Italian Coffee as part of our rituals to bring you into our IJS community, along with Moving Service, Assembly service, in a manner that promises complete Client Satisfaction. We’ve adjusted our abilities to the highest standards to give our clients a legendary customer experience, our business is managed in a professional way that contributed to building loyalty among our Clients. To infinity and beyond, IJS is determined to be the most reliable provider of International & Local Luxury Furniture, our strategy focuses on reinforcing our Leading Position, achieving sustainable profitable growth, maintaining our long-term relationships while making new ones, evolving in terms of customer care focused experience, innovative & expanding in the market.

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Personal Information for Italian Job Store IJSBAH

Contact Person: Mr All team Ijsabah

Business Details

Type of business: Sole Proprietorship
Year founded: 2020
Year started activity: 2012
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 11
Spoken Languages: Arabic, English, Hindi, Persian
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