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How to Get Full Car Accident Claim from Insurance Company

21 Sep 2020

Post Image #4811

If you’ve ever had an insurance company indemnify you for a loss you were covered on, then you most probably know what the real meaning of struggle is. Insurance agencies will always find ways to make sure that they pay the least possible compensation to their clients. The same is true when a car accident claims Seattle is filed. If you happen to have filed such claims already, then here are a few things you must do so as not to get a huge sum cut out from what is due to you.

Pick Out the Appraisal Company

Any appraiser that would represent you for negotiation purposes should be well versed in matters concerning car accidents. You also want an appraiser who is a veteran at dealing with insurance companies. These companies themselves spend lots of money on employing very vicious attorneys. So, you must find an appraiser that can stand toe to toe with them and fight for your right.

Always Consult Your Attorney

Why have a battle axe in war and keep it strapped to your back when it is needed most? Insurance companies are sneaky and might find ways to entice you with a settlement. DO NOT agree to their terms until you’ve had your attorney take a look at it. Chances are they are offering way less than you can easily get from them.

Be Discreet

Until you’ve been fully compensated or your attorney permits you to do so, it is best to keep details about the accident to yourself. Do not give in to that urge to speak to family and friends about what happened. Insurance agencies have a habit of speaking to your friends and family during the course of their own investigation. It might be that something you’ve said to your friends and family might be repeated to the investigator and could reduce the value of your claims drastically.

Be Careful What You Post on Social Media

These insurance investigators are very thorough and leave no stones unturned. They would go through your profiles online and try to get anything you might have posted in regards to the accident. If possible, they would use it to reduce the value of your claims.

While these are pointers on how to get the most value for your car accident claims Seattle after they have been filed, here are some things you could do immediately after the accident to build a stronger case.

Remain on the Scene

Do not leave the scene at your discretion. Wait for the police to clear you first.

Gather Evidence

Take pictures of the crime scene, the cars, and your injuries. Make videos if necessary.

Collect Eyewitness’s Information

You might have to call on them later to corroborate your story. So, get their contact information while you can.

Keep a Record of all the Expenses Incurred

All expenses incurred as a direct result of the accident must be documented, dated, and signed. It doesn’t matter how small it is, document it.

If you follow the tips outlined above, then you have a stronger chance of getting the maximum payout on your car accident claims Seattle.

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