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Научные / Государство и НПО - список компаний - Судан

лого - Kassala University
Kassala University
Kassala, Судан
Founded 1990 as Alsharq University according to the Third Constitutional Decree for the year 1989, when the National Salvation Revolution Command Council passed Alsharq University Law 1990. It was opened...

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лого - West Kordufan University
West Kordufan University
El-Nahud, Судан
Founded 1997. Academic programmes started 1998, in line with the early 1990s shift in the government's policy towards meeting the local, national and international needs for higher education and scientific...

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лого - National University, Sudan
National University, Sudan
Khartoum, Судан
Founded 2005 as National College for Medical and Technical Studies (Elkolia Alwatania Liddirasat Altibia Wa Attaqaniya Eltigania). Acquired present status and title 2013.


Accountancy, Business Administration, Business Computing, Civil Engineering, Computer...

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лого - Elsheikh Abdallah Elbadri University
Elsheikh Abdallah Elbadri University
Berber, Судан
Founded 2011 following the upgrading of and merger between Technical College (founded 2002) and Technical Health College (founded 2008), to create a university-level institution.


Accountancy, Administration, Applied Mathematics, Automation and Control...

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лого - Shendi University
Shendi University
Shendi, Судан
Founded 1990 as Faculties of Nile Valley University, acquired present status and title 1994.


Accountancy, Anatomy, Animal Husbandry, Anthropology, Arabic, Archaeology, Arts and Humanities, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Botany, Business Administration, Business and...

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