Founded 1732 as Colegio de la Santísima Trinidad. In 1828 became Colegio de la Purísima Concepción. In 1870 became a state institution, raised to University status in 1945. Acquired present...
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Aesthetics, Art History, Education, Educational Administration, Educational Sciences, Educational Technology, Foreign Languages Education, Jewish Studies, Mathematics Education, Pedagogy, Psychology, Social Work, Social and Preventive Medicine
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Founded 1937 as Universidad de Puebla but tracing its origins to College of Holy Spirit 1578, subsequently State College 1825. Reorganized and granted present status 1956. An autonomous institution financed...
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Accountancy, Administration, Administrative Law, Advertising and Publicity, Business Administration, Constitutional Law, Design, Economics, Electronic Engineering, Energy Engineering, Finance, Human Resources, Industrial Design, Information Technology, International Business, Law, Marketing, Mechanical...
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