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Logo - Vancouver Physiotherapy Hub

Vancouver Physiotherapy Hub

970 Burrard St #209, V6Z 2R4, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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Business Category

Canada:Health and Care:Alternative Medicine

What we do at Vancouver Physiotherapy Hub

If you are looking for a physiotherapy clinic near me, you’ve come to the right place. We are a leading multidisciplinary clinic with a team of highly specialized physiotherapists that are trained in a variety of therapies, including IMS, sports physio, vestibular physiotherapy, pelvic floor physio, physiotherapy for running, and a premier motor vehicle accident program. We treat knee pain, back pain, and running injuries, among other things! We know that you have many choices when choosing your healthcare provider. No matter which therapy or goal you're looking for - our therapists can help you! At Vancouver Physiotherapy Hub, our unique approach to physiotherapy mirrors the individual needs of your body. We know that your pain, no matter how big or small, is a big deal. We make it our mission to provide you with a personalized treatment plan that will decrease pain, restore your conditioning and improve your quality of life.

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Personal Information for Vancouver Physiotherapy Hub

Contact Person: Mr Mark Bentz

Business Details

Type of business: n/a
Year founded: 2002
Year started activity: 2002
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: 20
Spoken Languages: English, French
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