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Help Choosing The Best Place To Donate A Car

28 Sep 2020

Post Image #4815

Donating a car to charity is a good way to help a family get back on their feet and get maximum return value on your car. However, if you want your car donation to be a win-win proposition, you have to look for the right organization and following the right procedure.

When searching for the best place to donate your car, look for a good organization whose mission speaks to you, and that will make the greatest positive impact on your community. Considering the positive effect your car donation has on your community is usually a good place to begin. Here are tips for choosing the right place to donate your car:

1. Consider Tax Advantages and Ease of IRS Recognition Look for a charitable organization that is recognized as a tax-exempt 501 (c) nonprofit organization. Check the IRS Car Donor’s Guide to find information about a tax-exempt organization or contact us. It is wise to get your car appraised multiple times to get an accurate estimate of your car’s worth. Doing this will help you ensure that the tax deduction is as high as possible. You should also ensure that you get a receipt for your car donation.

2. Consider Donation Methods Considering the donation method is important as it determines the family that gets your car and the size of your tax deduction. Some of the charitable donation agencies often auction donations and sell it to the highest bidder. They then use the money raised from the auction to help one of their other giving programs. In such cases, your deduction will depend on the auction price.

Other agencies will repair your car and sell it to a family in need at an affordable price.This donation method is a powerful way to help people in need. Besides, another agency can sponsor families and help them get a car free of charge.

Providing a family with a means of independent transportation and mobility helps them improve their lives. It is important to determine how a charity uses its donations to find one whose methods have the greatest positive impact.

3. Look for A Charity with a Record of Success It is important to choose an established charity with a history and documentation to show the positive impact they have had. Established professionals are likely to use your donation effectively for the intended purpose. Take your time when looking for a car donation charity in your area to make an informed decision. Also, find out the age of your car. This will benefit you and those in need.

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