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Logo - Ajeets Management & Manpower Consultancy

Ajeets Management & Manpower Consultancy

Belgrade, serbia, Bahrain
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Serbia:Professional Services:Employment and Recruitment ~ Serbia:Transport and Storage:Warehousing

What we do at Ajeets Management & Manpower Consultancy

AJEETS is the leading manpower recruitment agency that is delivering its high-quality services.With persistent work and dedication, we have established ourselves as one of the top recruitment firms with the goal of assisting businesses by finding the most qualified employees, workers, and experts for every industry. It has been 16 years that AJEETS has been working in this field and has successfully recruited a lot of candidates from international companies. We hire people that are skilled, semi-skilled, and unskilled based on their background in the relevant fields. We assist you in finding qualified people for your sector. As the leading manpower recruitment company, we fulfill all the basic needs of our clients and candidates. We bridge the gap between the job seeker and the employer. The most reputable overseas manpower recruitment company in India is AJEETS. We track down applicants who meet your hiring needs. We technically trade-test them and keep them prepared for your approval. According to our client's preferences, we schedule our final interviews. For the chosen persons, we offer a medical report that details testing carried out in compliance with national medical standards. Among other things, we handle government documentation for emigration clearance, visa stamping, police clearance certificates, and attestation of educational certificates. We support candidates with all criteria related to embarkation and airport travel. We recruit people who can think outside the box and perform well. Within a specific amount of time, all of the solutions are provided. We hire efficient people from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Kenya, and Uganda as a top overseas manpower consultancy in the global market. Our services are offered all over the world with an emphasis on countries like the Middle East, the Far East, Europe, North America, and the Asia Pacific. We extend our manpower recruitment services to various Industries such as – Hospitality Recruitment Services Oil & Gas Recruitment Service Civil Recruitment Service Engineering Recruitment Service Factory & Manufacturing Recruitment MEP Recruitment EPC Recruitment Hotel & Catering Recruitment Steel Plant Recruitment Infrastructure, Civil and Road Construction Recruitment Aluminum & Glass Industries Recruitment Dairy Farm Recruitment Agricultural Recruitment Security Service Recruitment Plastic and Fiber Plant Recruitment Cement Plant Recruitment Marine and Offshore Drilling Recruitment MEP Recruitment Finance and Banking Recruitment Printing and Publishing Industry Recruitment Logistic and Transportation Recruitment Chemicals and Pharmacy Recruitment Beauty Industry Recruitment Save your energy and time. Trust our procedure. Make us your long-term recruitment partner with a presence today!

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Logo - Ajeets Management And Manpower Consultancy
Ajeets Management And Manpower Consultancy

Personal Information for Ajeets Management & Manpower Consultancy

Contact Person: n/a

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Type of business: Sole Propriertorship
Year founded: n/a
Year started activity: n/a
Home based?: no
Number of Employees: n/a
Spoken Languages: n/a
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