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Logo - Thermotech Industrial Electric Heaters

Thermotech Industrial Electric Heaters

Outlet 4 Building 96-B, O9, Block B Police Foundation, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Punjab, 45710, Rawalpindi, Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan
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Business Category

Pakistan:Energy Use:Heating ~ Pakistan:Industrial Goods and Services:Other Finished Products

What we do at Thermotech Industrial Electric Heaters

Industrial electric heaters are devices used to generate heat in an industrial environment. These devices can be used for a variety of applications, such as heating an area, drying items, and melting materials. Thermotech is a supplier of industrial electric heaters and heating units based in Punjab, Pakistan. To provide our customers with a reliable and complete solution, we source high-quality machine heaters from all over the world. Each customer has a different need for an industrial heater, and over time, technology advances, and manufacturing demand increases. Instead of continuing to use the local standard and inferior heaters, we have consistently offered our customers alternative, cost-effective technologies. This capability sets Thermotech apart from other heater suppliers in Pakistan. Following below are the standard and locally used names of industrial electric heaters we are supplying across Pakistan. ​ Air Heaters | Aluminum Heaters | Autoclave Heaters | Barrel Heaters | Blow Molding Machine Heaters | Boiler Heaters | Cartridge Heater | Cast Inn Heaters | Ceramic Band Heaters | Ceramic Heaters | Circulation Heaters | Coffee Machine Heaters | Coil Heaters | Disc Heaters | Dish Washer Heaters | Distillation Plant Heaters | Drum Heaters | Duct Heaters | Ex Type Heaters | Flexible Heaters | Food Machine Heaters | Furnace Elements | Furnace Heaters | Heating Elements | HVAC Heaters | Immersion Heaters | Infrared Heaters | Infrared Heaters | Injection Molding Machine Heaters | Jacket Heaters | Lamp Heaters | Mica Band Heaters | Oil Heaters | Oven Heaters | Pencil Heaters | Pharma Heaters | Plastic Machine Heaters | PTFE Heaters | PTC Heaters | Pump Heaters | Quartz Tube Heaters | Ring Heaters | Rod Heaters | Roller Heaters | Rope Heaters | Round Heaters | Sauna Bath Heaters | Sic Heating Rods | Steam Heaters | Sterilizer Heaters | Strip Heaters | Swimming Pool Heaters | Titanium Heaters | Tube Heaters | Tubular Heaters | Water Heaters

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Personal Information for Thermotech Industrial Electric Heaters

Contact Person: Mr Arish Malik

Business Details

Type of business: Sole Proprietorship
Year founded: 1998
Year started activity: 1998
Home based?: yes
Number of Employees: 20
Spoken Languages: English
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